As the human heart has four chambers, AMP operates in four main service capacities:  

  1. Musical performance;
  2. Development consulting (grant writing, program evaluation, strategic planning, etc);
  3. Professional development programs; and
  4. Networking and Connection services.

Currently, we are active in primarily two of those capacities:  Development consulting, which is our main source of income, and Networking and Connection.  For this latter service, we have created an online, membership website called Anahata Musicians Directory.  It is this service that will be the main focus of this business plan. Contact us to learn more about AMP!


Musicians always need to be finding each other, and their public needs to find them. Currently, the musician community solves its problem by doing what it has for generations. The community keeps personal lists and then relies on colleagues for recommendations.  This is a laborious, painstaking and inefficient process. It is not uncommon for emergencies to arise as musicians suddenly become unavailable for various reasons because of this. This can induce outright panic.  Social media helps connect musicians, but it usually does not offer enough information to know whether musicians meet certain requirements of a job or project. The following is an example from my own experience as a classical singer:

Last spring, I had to find a high-level pianist with specific skills for a high-stakes audition at the last-minute.  This occurred on a Friday night, and my audition was the next day at noon. I was panicked as I went from Facebook, to email, to phone calls, to LinkedIn, to university and association websites, and then back through all of them again, looking for a pianist to play for me.  In addition, I had a tough time even in finding updated email addresses and phone numbers. Many people were “unplugged” for their Friday night, and not interested in my stressful search. I had to wait for others to get back to me with their information, which was not helpful.  I thought to myself after the crisis was over: “Surely we can do better for each other than this!” 

©2025 Anahata Musicians Directory. All rights reserved.


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